February 17, 2006

Reconnecting with Friends...

I just got a call from an old friend whom I've known since secondary school (high school to some of you other folks not from the Commonwealth region.. :-) ) and we chatted up for hours on end. I haven't heard from this friend since a couple of years back.

Anyway, we shared some stuff about what we've been up to and how our other mutual friends have been. From there, we talked about a lot of things about what's life been like back in Aust (where's my mate from) and what certain things are like. Its been a while since we've chatted but we chatted for over 3 hours. LOL!!!

The long and the short of it is that its always fun to reconnect back with a long-lost mate. The truth is, friends are always there and they're never long lost. They're always close at hand, in your heart and it doesn't take much to reconnect with them. So, even if your friend seems to be neglecting you, sometimes, it isn't really entirely their fault. We're a stereo-visioned animal and we tend to lose focus very easily. So, we should probably not b*tch about why friends go apart and how the friendship goes "stale". If you are true friends, the friendship doesn't go away, it probably lies dormant until something brings it to life. And frankly, it doesn't take much for friendships to keep going. :)

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