April 02, 2007

New Template!!!

After Blogger went non-BETA, a lot of new features were introduced, making Blogger more attractive to the average blogger or n00bs who wants an intro to the blogging world. ^_^

Anyway, I have just sent about 1.5 hrs converting my old blog template to the new one, which incorporate the concepts of "widgets" rather than static HTML "div" sections to segregate content. It is a nifty idea and there are loads of new widgets to use, but I am a control freak and so, I stuck to the HTML/JavaScript widget.

After getting countless "not well-formed XML errors", I have discovered that the new templates are being parsed by an XML parser and so, all the tags need to be well-formed. **confused**

This means that if you have a HTML attribute called "noshade", you will need to assign a value to it, rather than leaving it as an empty attribute. Besides that, the tag <br>(break) will need to be well-formed; i.e. notated as "<br/>" or else you are going to get a lot of strange "unclosed tag <div> errors". **more confused**

Oh well, I am still tweaking with my new template and if you find some strange errors, please do notify me. It will take me a while to get it all working right again. Nevertheless, if you're a n00b, you will enjoy the new template layouts, or else, if you are a tweaker like me, be prepared for some eye-squinting, head-scratching time trying to normalize HTML to be well-formed XML. (0___o)


  1. I was forced to switch to non-BETA version the day before CNY. But my template still remain unchanged. =.= So lazy la.. and like what you say, so many "widget".. widget here widget there.. see those widgets, really make me lazy.. hahaha.. I am waiting till the day I really have the mood to change it. Hehehe..

  2. I know what you mean... (^_^)

    I've modified the template previously with changes to the CSS styles and it was quite a project.

    I couldn't be bothered to figure out a new layout since I'm not a very good web designer. I just wanted to keep things simple.

    Anyway, the widgets are cool and with the addition of the new widgets which allow you to add your own HTML or JavaScript, you won't have any problems adding our usual stuff like the CBox and stats counter.

    Oh well, give it a shot-la. After it's done, you can breathe a sigh of relief! :P

  3. Anonymous10:09 pm

    what widget? I do not know what a widget is. midget i know la. :P


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