December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

This will be rather short as I've not had the time to reminisce about the wonder that was 2007...

I had been sick since Christmas and only managed to pull myself together a couple of days before the year ended... More about that on another post...

All I can say that I hope that 2008 will bring a better year to those who wish for one (who wouldn't) and that it'll give us another chance to be a better person than what we were in 2007. (^^)

Here's wishing you and everyone a ...

Happy and Blessed New Year!!!!

P/S: Thanks for supporting this little blog by reading it. I hope to do a better job next year...

December 24, 2007

Merry Blessed Christmas Everyone!!

I'm back!! ... If not, just for a short while.

This December has been a very hectic one for me since my workload has gotten a lot heavier since November when my team's manager decided to leave for greener pastures. So, for a while, I've been trying to keep the team together as well as trying to get things to run "business as usual" too. It can be a hassle.

Anyway, I hope to come out of this intact... That is just my Christmas wish this year. (^^)

I managed to make my rounds at the shopping malls this year since I had to do a bit of Christmas shopping this year. Some of the malls did a fantastic job with the decoration... Here are some of the pics I took with my little camera phone (an ancient SE K750i)

I didn't manage to go to all of the malls and also, I didn't manage to take a lot of photos as well...

This was taken from 1Utama, where they put up a large toy drummer at the new wing of the mall. I was shocked at the amount of deco they had there. In some sense, it looked cool from a far, but then, as you draw closer, the trees tend to be overdecorated. Nevertheless, I'm sure the kids and adults enjoyed taking photos at this place.

Another view of the Drummer Boy...

I managed to also visit the new part of Sunway Pyramid and they put a lovely display too. They had a railway track setup around the Christmas Lodge where kids and also small-bodied adults may sit on the train for a fee. Hmmm... Very enterprising indeed.

Lastly, I managed to visit Midvalley where their theme was a fairy-like Christmas. They had a lovely set of trees setup in the main concourse area but due to the overwhelming amount of humans, I couldn't get a shot of it. At the other concourse, they placed trees and I caught a nice pic of it.

The pics were not clear as I was using my camera phone and didn't spend enough time focusing on the shot before pressing the "trigger". Nevertheless, after looking at the deco, it certainly whets my appetite to shop. **kekekeke*

Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a

Merry Blessed Christmas
Happy New Year!!!!!

December 12, 2007

Short Hiatus

Hi all,

Just wanted to put in an entry to state that I'll be taking a short hiatus for the next couple of weeks in order to sort things out at work.

It has been very hectic here with all the new work and team members coming in. I have yet to determine how best to get assistance to run things but for now, it's just me doing all the coordination and technical work. (-.-)

I've been extremely busy and of late, I've been sleeping in the wee hours of the morning trying to catch up with a lot of stuff. Hopefully, it'll get better and I'm positive that it will. (^^)

Anyway, hope to come back during the X'mas week to put in some updates. Meanwhile, take care everyone!

I'll try to stay afloat above water. (^^)

December 04, 2007

'Tis The Season To Get Fattyyyy...

Ahh... Christmas is indeed in the air.

I managed to capture a few photos while at a shopping mall tonight but am a little lazy to upload it. I'd guess I shall save the photos when I want to describe the amount of effort invested by some malls to entice shoppers to part with their hard earned $$$.

Anyway, it occurred to me that when Christmas comes around the corner, there are a few things we can't escape from. The eating, drinking and extensive merry-making we indulge ourselves during the festivities.

So, time to watch what we eat!! Although some of us are working our butts off at the gym to try to get ourselves to fit into a dress two sizes smaller than what we usually wear, it is during these festivities that the most "damage" occur. I'm finding myself getting tempted by the lovely chocs and Starbucks Toffee Nut Latte but have to admit, I can only take at most two out of this entire month!! It's too sweet for me! I'd rather go for something which tastes fruity sweet rather than sugary sweet.

Just remember to eat in moderation, and although that lovely chocolate fountain is calling you, try to remember how difficult it is to shed those pounds every year come Jan 1st. (^^)

Anyway, I know its very hard. But do try to keep yourself healthy by exercising and eating right?

Remember, the New Year is around the corner and its time to dust off the old Resolution List!!!

December 01, 2007

1st of December.. Is Christmas Upon Us?

This will be a rather short post. No photos yet as I've to decide which photo of Snoopy to pick out. She's already in the Christmas mood... sort of.

Anyway, I've fallen ill again. This time, it's my stomach. I think I'm having diahorrea since I had passed some soft stools... err, I'd best stop at that. It's probably some bad fish since I had sushi last night.

I tried to put up my usual "snowflake" JavaScript but the "new" Blogger template complained about some invalid XML. So, rather than trying to figure out the sometimes mysterious error message, I've decided to just leave it at that and just modify my existing banner. So, that puts my blog in the Christmas mood.

For me, the season of Christmas does not begin until the 1st week of December, when the Catholic church's Advent calendar begins. What does that mean? Advent is the start of the holy season to welcome Christ into our lives. While the season of Lent was a time of repentance and a start of our journey to return to Christ, Advent is about welcoming Christ again. It is also the time, when we should remember about the 2nd coming of Christ.

Hence, the reason why I waited for this weekend to put up my Christmas trimmings. (^ ^)

Around this time last year, I was away in UK, feeling rather homesick and was sad about missing Christmas with my family. However, I had a really great manager there who decided to ship us home to Malaysia for two weeks since everything (including the office) was closed for two weeks.

Anyway, I had been following a journey with Christ using a little booklet and it was wonderful. I got closer to God and the true meaning of Christmas came through. The spirit of giving and peace upon all of us.

I usually place a lot more emphasis on Easter as it symbolizes new life but when Christmas comes around, I get sentimental and feel very warm and fuzzy thinking about Baby Jesus in his swaddling clothes, in the manger. I don't have the Nativity Scene as a Christmas decor in my house... :-P

So, has the spirit of Christmas caught up with you yet?
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