May 02, 2011

Way Up North...

Ok... I'm still a wee bit bleary and tired after traveling on planes for 24 hours.

Two transit flights later, I've landed safely at the Land of the Midnight Sun.

The travel itself was quite "comfortable" being jammed in economy class without a PEU (Personal Entertainment Unit)... Yes, I'm quite "spoilt" as I've never traveled long haul without any entertainment. Wished I brought my PSP..

Anyway, since we traveled at night, it was very tempting for me to sleep throughout the journey. However, by adjusting my watch and devices to Oslo time. That meant that I was forcing my body to adjust the bio-rhythm clock. I'm not looking forward to the return trip...

The route was KL--> Bangkok --> Frankfurt --> Oslo. The trip from KL --> Bangkok --> Frankfurt was ok. But we were misguided by the immigration folks and ended up missing the connecting flight to Oslo. *sigh*. Had to wait for another 3 hours and was on standby.

Lucky for us, we managed to get on board and arrived at 1:30pm.

By the time we got to the apartment, we were pretty tired. However, the views are wonderful...


My room faced the main street. It is a little noisy during the morning but quite silent at night. Anyway, good to have the sounds of the city in the background as it lulls me to sleep.

I brought my new CPL filter for my 17-70mm lens and tested it out. It was worth the $$ spent. ;-)


My room also has a nice balcony overlooking a long street. Lovely vantage for some photos which I will try to take. The architecture here is lovely and I'm excited to take photos of it.


The above shot was taken without the CPL and you can tell that the sky isn't as blue.

Why am I up here? Well, I'm part of a team who is undergoing a handover from our colleagues in Oslo. From the latest organizational reshuffling, all of us had to take on different projects.

It's going to be a pretty busy time for the next 2 weeks.


  1. by using the CPL...the color of the sky will become blue?

  2. Hi Tekkaus,

    CPL filters help to darken skies. Have to becareful as it will darken the entire picture as well. Still learning how to use it.

  3. Ahh nice. I like the balcony one.
    More pictures of Oslo please.

    Take it easy with work ya.


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