September 04, 2007

What If Your Boss Ask You To Do This Every Morning?

I'm bored. I can't say that. I'm supposed to be working on some very important documents.

Anyway, my colleague sent me a video some time back.

It sure was funny. Take a close look at the "girl".

This activity which this Phillipines prison imposes on its inmates has gotten some acclaim as witnessed in the news here.

I can't imagine if my bosses started asking us to do this as our morning activity before we start work everyday. (o____0)

Anyway, back to work for me... *sigh*


  1. Hahaha. I wonder if they do hip-hop :)

  2. lol!!! i hope so too.

    Anyway, heard that they did the anime dance from Melancholy of Haruhi... (^ ^)


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